Thursday, December 21, 2017

Will I Hear Voices and Hallucinate When I Quit Crystal Meth

Hallucinations and Voices after Quitting Crystal Meth

Many crystal meth users will continue to hear voices and have hallucinations long after they quit using. It is very common although rarely talked about.  In fact, many doctors dismiss the fact such hightened paranoia, voices, hallucinations, etc. continues after prolonged abstinence. They are slowly learning it is true. The medical literature is not up to date with current experiences of recent crystal meth users. Make sure to be assertive with the doctor when you go.

If you have stopped using crystal meth you may experience paranoia, high anxiety, depression, and sometimes a continuation of auditory and visual hallucinations. Go to the doctor if you are still having hallucinations. If you cannot do that then talk to someone about it because it feels pretty crazy.  Sometimes medication may be necessary to aid the person in quitting the voices.  Crystal meth use can lead to psychosis, a scary break with reality where the user does not realize that their world is made up in their head.  Once a person experiences a psychotic break it is much more likely that it will happen again.  These people are at a higher risk to hear voices, experience visual hallucinations, and auditory hallucinations especially around white noise like bathroom fans, noise fans, etc.  Background noise can also be a problem.

Don't be afraid to talk about this experience if you have it.  Over time it becomes manageable.

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