Thursday, December 21, 2017

Money and Finances in Addiction Recovery - Crystal Meth

Keep track of your money. Money can be a big trigger for some people when they are trying to stay clean after quitting crystal methamphetamine (or others drugs). Have someone you trust help you manage your money, if you need it. While out gacked and tweaking money plays a huge role in whether or not you use. A big relapse trigger for people is getting a paycheck because for some that is so tightly related to getting high. If you are receiving welfare or are on disability then consider getting a payee for a little while in the beginning of your recovery. Make sure that this person is someone who supports you and will not steal from you. Since you are getting in recovery from using meth you know that people will do just about anything to feed their addiction. Listen to your gut. Not everyone needs help managing their money. Sometimes talking to a friend, spouse, or 12 step meeting sponsor can help support your needs around money.

Money can also be a trigger because there is not enough of it. Some get out of treatment, jail, or just stop using and do not have money or credit. Go to the Department of Social and Health Services to see what they can do to help you. Another good resource is 12 step meetings because there are folks there who "get it".

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