Thursday, December 21, 2017

How Can I Stop Smoking Crystal Meth - Quit Seeing Tina

Volunteer to Stay Clean

Volunteer. Do some work with other people. Reaching out and working with others is one of the most important parts of staying clean after quitting crystal meth. Think about it. Who else can help other tweakers or former meth users the way you help each other. Most doctors do not understand what it is like to have psychosis and other meth induced problems. It is hell. Volunteering is so important to stay clean. Volunteer work is very rewarding and can be incorporated into your life. There are so many ways that you can give back to the world and make a positive difference.

Find something you like doing that makes you feel good (except dope, of course). A lot of meth users threw their ethics out the window at times, so doing things to rebuild yourself is a good thing. Try something new or pick up a hobby that you dropped when you picked up the pipe. The more things you find to replace the time you spent getting high, the better your chance of staying clean. You will need to build social networks to replace using friends, plugs, hooks, dealers, and drug networks. Some people like going to support groups like Crystal Meth Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or others. There are online support groups and non-12 step support groups which can be extremely helpful.

Talk back to the voices in your head yelling "it wasn't that bad". You will need to give recovery a little bit of time.  Consider the length of time you used drugs and how that became your normal.  Now you have to adapt to another new normal.  Try at least 3 months before you decide to use crystal meth and other drugs. People expect you to get better once the drug is out of your life. Addiction recovery is about more than just stopping drug use.  Some addicts need a lot more time to recover than anyone realizes. Find a place where you can breathe.

If you're having a hard time stopping crystal on your own (or other drugs/alcohol) then go to rehab for as long as possible. Give yourself time to detox from drugs and start to  readjust to feeling sober and dealing with cravings. Some people experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they quit using methamphetamines.  If you are are going to quit on your own or are helping someone go through the detox process then stock up on high protein, healthy food, and water.  Make sure to have a comfortable place to sleep.  Detox can last a few days so don't rush things.

Can I Stay Clean after I Stop Smoking Meth - Quit Seeing Tina

Go to your doctor. You should have a check up if you have been using meth, heroin, cocaine, alcohol, prescription drugs or a combination thereof. People who are abusing drugs tend to re-prioritize very important things, like eating a balanced diet or getting quality sleep.

It is important to consider inpatient rehab if someone cannot stay clean after stop using crystal methamphetamine. Life on crystal meth can be extremely miserable and dangerous, depending on the person. Help is available. If you are not sure that crystal meth is a problem then check out the crystal meth denial information. It may help.

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