Showing posts with label meth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meth. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Are Crystal Meth and Methadone the Same Drug?

Crystal Meth vs. Methadone

I see a lot of questions about whether Crystal Meth and Methadone are the same drug.

Please, read this very carefully-- it is for you, for those asking and searching online to find out if Crystal Meth and Methadone are the same drug.  Knowing the answer may save your life or a friend's life. Find out the answer, know the difference between these drugs, and share the truth with others.  I want you to understand the difference and why these drugs are often confused because I care about you, and if you decide to use knowing the difference can save your life. I am not going to bullshit you or try some scared straight angle. I know these things first hand.

Are These Drugs the Same - Methamphetamine, Crystal Methamphetamine, Crystal Meth, Meth and Methadone 

The simple answer is no.  People often confuse these as the same the drug because of the slang names we use for these drugs and others. Methadone is not at all like Crystal Meth, in fact, they have very opposite effects on the body, Crystal Methamphetamine is a stimulant or upper; Methadone is an opiate (or narcotic, downer), and they look completely different as well (see pictures below). Confusing these drugs can kill you (no, this isn't exaggeration).

Please keep reading.

What is Crystal Meth? How is it Different than Methadone?

Crystal methamphetamine is an extremely powerful stimulant, in the same drug class as cocaine.

The street name or slang names for Crystal Methamphetamine is where I believe these drugs get confused because the most popular street or slang names are Crystal meth and meth. People also call it ice, crank, shards, Crystal, Crissie, Jib, speed, shit, tweak, glass, Tina, G, and others.  Crystal Meth addiction is hard on the user and those around them, but you can spot Crystal Meth use or denial and help the person.  

I don't put pictures of drugs on my site because they're triggering to some people, but in this case, I'm making an exception because it is important not to just know that there is a difference between Crystal Meth and Methadone, but also that they look very different as well.  I want you as informed as possible.
This is Crystal Meth (the type in this picture goes by the slang name Ice because of its look).  Meth is a highly powerful and addictive because of its purity.

This is also Crystal Meth.  This is a powdered form and most likely goes by the street name Crank.

What is Methadone?

Methadone is an opiate narcotic pain medication available by prescription. Methadone pills prescribed for chronic pain are available by prescription only.  In my opinion, as a person who takes pain medication for severe, chronic pain (including Methadone in the past), try other pain medicines first before Methadone and have a genetic test done by your doctor to find out how you personally metabolize medication.  This test saved my life (more on that to come in another post).  

The slang name for Methadone is also "meth" and this is why it causes so much confusion. When someone just refers to "meth" they might be talking about Methadone or Crystal Meth.  You can see a comment below from a person addicted to Crystal Meth that somehow was initiated onto Methadone.  I don't know how that even happens other than sheer incompetence or possibly a hoax post, but I didn't take it as such.

Many people know Methadone because it has been used for years as a treatment for heroin addicts and other severely addicted opiate addicts.  This treatment is called Methadone Maintenance and is actually quite successful when its done right. Methadone maintenance is a clinic-based treatment that is only used to treat opiate addiction, not addiction to any other type of drug -- OPIATES ONLY.

This is a form of Methadone called Methadose.  
This is a 10mg Methadone tablet.
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Info About Crystal Meth and Methadone

    Meth is slang for Crystal Meth (stimulant)
  • Meth is slang for Methadone (opiate, depressant)
  • Methadone is NOT used to treat Crystal Methamphetamine/Crystal Meth addicts
  • Methadone is ONLY used in Methadone Maintenance Clinics to treat Opiate addicts 
  • Methadone is prescribed by doctors for chronic pain 
  • People who talk about using Methadone to stop using Crystal Meth are probably addicted to an opiate (heroin, pain pills) and also addicted to Crystal Methamphetamine
  • Methadone is not Crystal Meth
  • Meth and Methadone are only the same drug if someone is using "meth" to refer to Methadone
  • Methadone does not have Crystal Meth in it
If you're reading this because you want mix Crystal Meth and Methadone to get high, well, there's not much advice I can give you other than use harm reduction methods.  People mix all types of drugs together to get high and a lot of times it's the concoction that causes bad side effects and overdoses. 

I hope I have cleared up some of the confusion about Methadone and Crystal Methamphetamine and the use of the word "meth" for both.  If you have any further questions, please leave a comment.

Be safe.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spotting Denial of Crystal Methamphetamine Addiction or Abuse

Methamphetamine Abuse or Addiction-- The Crystal Meth Difference 

Crystal methamphetamine is in a class of drugs called stimulants. Crystal Meth is always looking for new people to use her because if you like her, she'll control you in no time. Crystal Meth is a tricky bitch; she loves you because once she has you addicted, she controls everything.

Photo Attribution:

Crystal Meth like all drugs goes by many street or slang names so people can talk about drugs in the open without everyone knowing their business.  Some street names for Crystal Methamphetamine are Meth, ice, crystal, crank, tweak, shit, shards, G, glass, Tina. Denial is hard to break.  Addiction holds on strong, mentally and physically, and most people don't want to believe they're addicted, like "those people", or most of all that they have lost control.   

The most important for you to understand is this:  even if someone really wants to stop using, abusing, getting high on Crystal Meth, well, they want to keep using it, too. They want to get high one more time, and it's the ONE MORE TIME that gets us.  If you understand that it's a normal feeling for every addict then you're a heck of a lot closer to spotting their addiction denial and get them the help they deserve.  

Breaking the denial of Meth addiction (or addiction to other drugs) can be a long, hard process that takes time.  Spotting Crystal Meth use is probably the easiest step; getting through the denial is the first step to help a Meth addict.  A lot of people call Crystal Meth addicts "tweakers," so I will sometimes refer to them as tweakers in the Crystal Meth Denial Checklist.

Crystal Methamphetamine - Spotting Denial of Use, Abuse and Addiction

All addicts justify their drug use.  Crystal Meth addicts are just a little bit different. Crystal Meth addicts are a bit more tricky to deal with (sometimes dangerous) because Methamphetamine can cause psychosis in people depending on how long they've been using, how much and how strong their Crystal, and how many days the person has been awake. If you use Crystal Meth see if you do these things (you don't have to tell anyone, yet). Watch for these behaviors in a friend or loved one if you suspect they're using Methamphetamine.  Once you're fairly certain you've talk to them about it at a time that seems safest.  Expect denial.  Hope for the best.

Crystal Meth Addiction or Abuse Denial Checklist - For Yourself or Someone Else

If you use Crystal Meth do you say these things to yourself?  If you're reading this because you love someone you suspect is using Crystal Meth do you hear him or her make the justifications below?

  • "I control IT, IT does not control me."
  • "I can stop using Meth; I just don't want to stop right now."
  • "I am not hurting anyone else."
  • "I only hurting myself."
  • "I don't get high around my kids, family, or at work."
  • "I take care of my responsibilities." 
  • "My partner/spouse is just freaking out, and nagging me all the time just makes me want to get high, so she/he should back off." 

Comparison Statements Crystal Meth Addicts Use to Justify

Addicts compare themselves to other addicts.  Some things Crystal Meth addicts say:

  • "I sleep every night."  
  • "I don't crash after a meth binge."
  • "I don't lose track of time when I'm using Meth." 
  • "I don't get paranoid, hallucinate, or see tree people (I don't think)."
  • "I’m not like _____ or as bad as _____."
  • "I don't shoot it up."
  • "I only snort Crystal."
  • "I just smoke it."
  • "I haven't used for that long."
  • "I don't use it every day."
  • "I don't have meth sores, pick at myself, or look like that sleazy tweaker over there."
So what?  Some tweakers work on Wall Street.  Some tweakers live on the street. Some tweakers see or feel (imaginary) bugs or have a sensation of things on their skin, crawling under their skin or are just so high that they pick at themselves creating sores and scabs.  I once thought Meth shards were coming through my pores; I can still see it in my head, but I couldn't grab the damn things.  To this day I don't know if I had sores or not. 

Drugs do not give a damn how they get into your bloodstream, as long as they get there.  Addicts are crafty and we will do whatever is necessary to get high, get well, escape reality, and get those drugs into our bodies. Any orifice is fair game.

  • "I only party on weekends."
  • "I use Crystal, but I take care of my kids and/or family (and my house is clean)."
  • "I have a job."
  • "I am too young to be addicted to Meth."
  • "I am too old to get addicted."
  • "This doesn't happen in my family or where I come from."
  • "I have my teeth."
  • "I don't have diseases like Hepatitis C, HIV."
  • "I play safe when I get high."
  • "I don't party and play (PnP)."
  • "I always use condoms, clean needles, and never share any part of my works to shoot up."
Do you look at your possessions to make yourself feel like your Methamphetamine addiction is not that bad? I did, until I had nothing to look at anymore.  The process took awhile, but it did happen. Other common justifications and comparison statements used in the middle of addiction:
  • "I don't steal...I just return."
  • "I have good credit."
  • "I don't pawn or trade my belongings (or my kids toys, wives jewelry, husband's tools) to get drugs."
  • "I don't spend a lot of money. I get my dope for free."
  • "I have a car (that’s not even stolen)."
  • "I have my own place to live."
  • "I have never been in trouble because I use drugs."
  • "I don't sell or trade my body for it."
  • "I have never been to jail."
  • "I have only been to jail (not prison)."
  • "I have not lost everything."
It's also important to look at the people you go to for Meth. That's easy to overlook, but every time you buy, you risk getting busted, wrong place wrong time, rolled, buying a bad batch, etc. Even recreational users puts themselves at risk because violence surrounds drug dealers and users. 

  • Can you trust the people you're around when you get high on Crystal?
  • Do you do other drugs when you can't get Meth? 
  • Do you trust your friends?
  • Have you gotten physical with someone you care about because one of both of you were high or coming down?
  • Do your friends lie to you, steal from you, or use you for your hookup, pipe, car, money, a place to stay or get high? 
  • Are friends gone when the bag is gone?  
  • Will your friends support you if you quit using Crystal Meth? 
  • Have you done anything while using Crystal Meth that you swore you'd never do? 
  • Have you ever crossed your boundaries or personal morals and beliefs to get the drug or to stay high? 
  • Do you feel regret, guilt, shame, remorse, surprised, angry, have a holy shit moment about something that you did or happened around you while you high on Crystal?
These are hard questions. A lot of times breaking through Meth denial doesn't last very long, but it might be just enough to get you to look at yourself and what is really going on a little more intently. It's a place to start. Prepare to talk to someone and ask for help.

Be safe.

Other articles that may be helpful:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Truth About Strawberry Quick Crystal Meth (For Your Kids)

Strong warnings about Strawberry Quick, also known as Strawberry Meth, began in 2007 and spread fast over the internet and television. The warnings reported drug dealers are manufacturing a new type of crystal methamphetamine that specifically targets children. The warning was revamped and sent out as a Halloween scare.

Crystal methamphetamine is a dangerous, and highly addictive stimulant drug that is referred to as meth, ice, crystal, glass, speed, etc. Methamphetamine use is devastating and causes damage to the user, families, friends, and can have severe societal repercussions.

Strawberry Quick Meth gets the name from Strawberry Quik, the pink powdered flavoring that can be added to milk for a strawberry flavor. The supposed strawberry meth is reported to look like Pop Rocks candy, which makes it appealing to kids. This form of crystal methamphetamine is a hoax. It does not exist. Warnings spread like wildfire that the evil drug dealers are now trying to lure kids with candy flavored meth. There is no strawberry quick methamphetamine.

However, drug dealers and manufacturers do sometimes make their crystal methamphetamine with a color to it. Sometimes this is a dealer trying to "label" or brand his or her product or it can be a manufacturing mistake. Therefore, it is true that dealers or makers may add something like color to their product, but not to unwittingly hook kids by making them think it's candy. Color can be the same marketing strategy as the type of wrapping or baggy. Besides, I don't think there is anything you can do to mask the taste of meth as it's very bitter and disgusting.

Although this meth is a myth, methamphetamine is still a very dangerous threat to everyone. There is no immunity to addiction. It is extremely important to talk to kids about dealing with peer pressure, coping strategies, and making responsible decisions about the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Could someone have some of this meth that appears to look like candy and offer it to a child? Sure, just like someone might offer your kid a beer, marijuana, or pills.

This scare also reinforces the concept of not taking candy from strangers. As simple as it seems, this is still a tactic used by many child molesters and kidnappers. It's very important to educate kids to avoid taking candy or drinks from people that they do not know.

From the Join Together website: "Experts say that there's a real possibility that local police are confusing colored meth -- which is relatively common -- with flavored meth. Tom McNamara, a meth trainer and special-projects coordinator for the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force Group, told Join Together that meth made from Sudafed or some generic versions of the drug will have a light-pink color because of the dye used in the pills. Moreover, he said, meth made from anhydrous ammonia treated with GloTell -- a chemical marker designed to discourage thefts -- will be bright pink. The drug also can appear greenish or blue."

EDIT on February 6, 2010: In a recent unpublished comment, I was accused of being a drug dealer posting inaccurate information. Please, read this article carefully as well as the rest of the website. This site is geared toward the ACCURATE education of people about addiction.